It's Pretty Well Funded Full Transcript
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Hey, Aunt May.
May Parker
Hey. How was school today?
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Okay. This crazy car parked outside...
Tony Stark (Ironman)
Oh, Mr. Parker.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Umm. What. What are you doing...? Hey. I'm-I'm-I'm Peter.
Tony Stark (Ironman)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
What are... What are you-What are you- What are you doing here?
Tony Stark (Ironman)
It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right? Right?
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Yeah. Yeah. Regarding the...
May Parker
You didn't tell me about the grant.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
About the grant.
Tony Stark (Ironman)
The September Foundation.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Tony Stark (Ironman)
Yeah. Remember when you applied?
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Tony Stark (Ironman)
I approved. So now, we're in business.
May Parker
You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You're keeping secrets from me?
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Why, I just, I just... I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know... wh... Anyway, what did I apply for?
Tony Stark (Ironman)
That's what I'm here to hash out.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Okay. Hash, hash out, okay.
Tony Stark (Ironman)
It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt.
May Parker
We come in all shapes and sizes, you know.
Tony Stark (Ironman)
This walnut bake loaf is exceptional.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Let me just stop you there.
Tony Stark (Ironman)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Is this grant, like, got money involved or whatever? No?
Tony Stark (Ironman)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Tony Stark (Ironman)
It's pretty well funded.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Tony Stark (Ironman)
Look who you're talking to. Can I have 5 minutes with him?
May Parker