About The Avengers
- Released in 2012
- Directed by Joss Whedon
- Produced by Marvel Studios, Paramount Pictures
The Avengers Scenes
- Opening Narration
- How Bad is It?
- The Tesseract is Misbehaving
- Loki's Arrival
- Tesseract Lost
- Natasha's Interrogation
- The Big Guy
- War is Won By Soldiers
- Man Out of Time
- Tony and Pepper
- A Little Old Fashioned
- Loki's Bargain
- Trading Cards
- Let's Vanish
- No Shortage of Enemies
- A Vintage Set
- Always Men Like You
- Basically Gods
- Impressive Cage
- What's His Play?
- Tensions Rise
- Bilge Snipe
- Red in My Ledger
- You Forced Our Hand
- You're Not Wrong
- Not Your Enemies
- Man Down
- Avengers Initiative
- Are You an Alien?
- Cognitive Recalibration
- A Good Man
- Time to Go
- Needed the Push
- Too Late
- It's Gonna Be Fun
- Stupid Ass Decision
- Puny God
- Package is Sent
- We Won
- The News
- A Promise
- They Stand
War is Won By Soldiers Full Transcript

Councilman 1

Nick Fury

Councilman 1

Nick Fury

Councilman 2 (Lady)

Nick Fury

Councilman 1

Nick Fury

Councilman 1

Nick Fury

Councilman 3

Councilman 1

Nick Fury

Councilman 2 (Lady)

Councilman 1