Cocoon is Pure Pornography Full Transcript
Deadpool (Wade)
And that is why, in my opinion... the movie Cocoon is pure pornography.
Who brought this twinkly man?
Deadpool (Wade)
Twinkly, but deadly. My chrome-penised friend back there has agreed to do me this solid. In exchange, I said that I would consider joining his boy band.
It's not boy band.
Deadpool (Wade)
Sure it's not. So, any luck winning Gita back?
I tried to hold on tight, Mr. Pool... but Bandhu is more craftier and handsomer than me.
Deadpool (Wade)
Well, I think you're pretty darn cute. Dopinder.
Deadpool (Wade)
What was that?
Uh... That was Bandhu in the trunk.
Ban who?
My romantic rival Bandhu. He's tied up in the trunk. I'm doing as you said, DP. I plan to gut him like a tandoori fish, then dump his carcass on Gita's doorstep.
Deadpool (Wade)
I did not tell him to do that. Absolutely not. It got lost in translation. Dopinder, this is no way to win Gita's heart back! I'm so proud of you. Drop Bandhu off,safe and gentle-like. Kill him. And then, win Gita back... the old fashioned way: with your boyish charm. Kidnap her.
He's super dead.
Whoa! I presume a crisp high five?
Deadpool (Wade)
For you? 10. Okay, guys, let's get out there and make a difference. You know what to do.
Knock 'em dead,Pool Boy!