That's a Bummer, Man Full Transcript
We've had some terrible news. Mr. Lebowski is in seclusion in the West Wing.
Mr. Lebowski.
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Funny-- I can look back on a life of achievement, on challenges met, competitors bested, obstacles overcome. I've accomplished more than most men, and without the use of my legs. What...What makes a man, Mr. Lebowski?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Jeffrey Lebowski
Uh, I, I don't know, sir.
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Is it being prepared to do the right thing? Whatever the cost? Isn't that what makes a man?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Ummm..sure. That and a pair of testicles.
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
You're joking. But perhaps you're right.
Jeffrey Lebowski
You mind if I do a jay?
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Jeffrey Lebowski
'Excuse me?
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Bunny Lebowski...She is the light of my life. Are you surprised at my tears, sir?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Oh, fuckin' A.
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Strong men also cry...Strong men also cry.
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
I received this fax this morning.
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
As you can see, it is a ransom note. Written by men who are unable to achieve on a level field of play. Cowards! Weaklings. Bums.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Jeffrey Lebowski
This is a bummer man. That's a,that's a bummer.
Jeffrey Lebowski (Big)
Brandt will fill you in on the details.
Mr. Lebowski is prepared to make a generous offer to you to act as courier once we get instructions for the money.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Why me, man?
He believes that the culprits might be the very people who, uh, soiled your rug, and you're in a unique position to confirm or, disconfirm that suspicion.
Jeffrey Lebowski
He thinks the carpet-pissers did this?
Well Dude, we just don't know.