Let's Take That Hill Full Transcript
Jeffrey Lebowski
Where the fuck are you going, man?
Walter Sobchak
Take the ringer. I'll drive.
Jeffrey Lebowski
The what?
Walter Sobchak
The ringer! The ringer, Dude!
Jeffrey Lebowski
What the...
Walter Sobchak
Have they called yet?
Jeffrey Lebowski
What the hell is this?
Walter Sobchak
My dirty undies dude. Laundry, The whites.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter, I'm sure there's a reason you brought your dirty undies man.
Walter Sobchak
That's right, Dude. The weight. The ringer can't look empty.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter--what the fuck are you thinking man?
Walter Sobchak
Well you're right, Dude, I got to thinking. I got to thinking why should we settle for a measly fucking twenty grand--
Jeffrey Lebowski
We? What the fuck we? You said you just wanted to come along--
Walter Sobchak
My point, Dude, is why should we settle for twenty grand when we can keep the entire million. Am I wrong?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Yes you're wrong. This isn't a fucking game man.
Walter Sobchak
Oh, but it is a game. You said so yourself. She kidnapped herself.
Jeffrey Lebowski
I said I thought--
Jeffrey Lebowski
Dude here.
Who is this?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Dude the Bagman. Where do you want us to go?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Shit...yeah, you know, uh, me and the driver. I'm not uh, handling the money and driving the car and talking on the phone all by my fucking--
Shut the fuck up.
Walter Sobchak
Dude, are you fucking this up?
Who is that?
Jeffrey Lebowski
That is the driver, I told you--
Jeffrey Lebowski
Oh shit.
Walter Sobchak
What the fuck's going on?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter Sobchak
What the fuck is going on?
Jeffrey Lebowski
He hung up, man! You fucked it up! You fucked it up! Her life was in our hands man!
Walter Sobchak
Easy, Dude.
Jeffrey Lebowski
We're screwed now! We don't get shit, they're gonna kill her! We're fucked, Walter!
Walter Sobchak
Nothing is fucked Dude. Come on. You're being very unDude. They'll call back. Look, she kidnapped her--
Walter Sobchak
Ya see? Nothing's fucked here, Dude. Nothing is fucked. They're a bunch of fucking amateurs--
Jeffrey Lebowski
But Walter, Walter will you just shut the fuck up! Don't say peep when I'm doing business here man.
Walter Sobchak
Okay Dude. Have it your way.
Walter Sobchak
But they're amateurs.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Okay, we proceed. But only if there is no funny stuff.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Yeah, yeah.
So no funny stuff. Okay?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Just tell me where the fuck you want us to go.
Jeffrey Lebowski
That was the sign man.
Walter Sobchak
So, all we gotta do is get her back, no one's in a position to complain, and we keep the baksheesh.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Yeah, terrific, Walter. But you haven't told me how we're gonna get her back. Where is she?
Walter Sobchak
That's the simple part, Dude. We make the handoff, I grab one of 'em and beat it out of him.
Walter Sobchak
Jeffrey Lebowski
Yeah. That's a great plan, Walter. That's fucking ingenious, if I understand it correctly. That's a Swiss fucking watch.
Walter Sobchak
That's right, Dude. The beauty of this is its simplicity. Once a plan gets too complex, everything can go wrong. If there's one thing I learned in Nam--
Jeffrey Lebowski
You are coming to a wooden bridge. When you cross the bridge you throw the bag from the left window of the moving car. You're being watched.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter Sobchak
What'd he say? Where's the hand-off?
Jeffrey Lebowski
There is no fucking hand-off man. At a wooden bridge we throw the money out of the car!
Walter Sobchak
Jeffrey Lebowski
We throw the money out of the moving car!
Walter Sobchak
No, we can't do that, Dude. That fucks up our plan.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Well call them up and explain it to 'em, Walter! Your plan is so fucking simple, I'm sure they'll fucking understand it! That's the beauty of it!
Walter Sobchak
Wooden bridge, huh?
Jeffrey Lebowski
I'm throwing the money, Walter! We're not fucking around man!
Walter Sobchak
Ok, dude the bridge is coming up! Gimme the ringer, Chop-chop!
Jeffrey Lebowski
Fuck that! Walter I love you, but sooner or later you're gonna have to face the fact that you're a goddamn moron.
Walter Sobchak
Okay, Dude. No time to argue.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Hey man! hey--
Walter Sobchak
Here's the bridge--
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter! Hey! Hey, Walter, hey--
Walter Sobchak
There goes the ringer!
Jeffrey Lebowski
What the fuck!
Walter Sobchak
OK Dude, your wheel!
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter Hey, Hey what the fuck?
Walter Sobchak
At fifteen em-pee-aitch I roll out! I double back, grab one of 'em and beat it out of him! The uzi!
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter Sobchak
You didn't think I was rolling out of here naked did ya!
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter, Walter what the--
Walter Sobchak
Fifteen! Dude This is it! Let's take that hill!
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter hey Walter--
Jeffrey Lebowski
Ah, ahhhh,
Jeffrey Lebowski
WE HAVE IT! WE HAVE IT!! WE HAVE IT!... WE...have it.
Walter Sobchak
Ahh fuck it dude, let's go bowling.