GODDAMNIT Full Transcript
Francis Donnelly
Hello, gentlemen. You are the bereaved?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Yeah man.
Francis Donnelly
Francis Donnelly. Pleased to meet you.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Jeff Lebowski.
Walter Sobchak
Walter Sobchak.
Jeffrey Lebowski
The Dude, actually. It's uh...
Francis Donnelly
Excuse me?
Jeffrey Lebowski
Aw, nothing.
Francis Donnelly
Yes. I understand you're taking away the remains.
Walter Sobchak
Francis Donnelly
We have the urn.
Francis Donnelly
And I assume this is credit card?
Walter Sobchak
Walter Sobchak
Walter Sobchak
What's this?
Francis Donnelly
That's for the urn.
Walter Sobchak
Don't need it. We're scattering the ashes.
Francis Donnelly
Yes, so we were informed. However, we must of course transmit the remains to you in a receptacle.
Walter Sobchak
This is a hundred and eighty dollars.
Francis Donnelly
It is our most modestly priced receptacle.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Uh, well can we just uh--
Walter Sobchak
A hundred and eighty dollars?!
Francis Donnelly
They range up to three thousand.
Walter Sobchak
Uh, we're uh...
Jeffrey Lebowski
Can't, can't we just rent it from you man?
Francis Donnelly
Sir, this is a mortuary, not a rental house.
Walter Sobchak
We're scattering the fucking ashes!
Jeffrey Lebowski
Walter, Walter, Walter--
Walter Sobchak
Francis Donnelly
Sir, please lower your voices.
Jeffrey Lebowski
Man, don't you have, you know, something uh, else we can put him in? You know?
Francis Donnelly
That is our most modestly priced receptacle.
Walter Sobchak
GODDAMNIT!! Is there a Ralph's around here?