Wedding Crashers (2005)

Top Quotes from Wedding Crashers

The following quotes have been voted by you, the visitors of our site, as the most liked quotes from the film Wedding Crashers.

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Best Wedding Crashers Lines
  • Secretary Cleary
    What's wrong? Look... we have no way of knowing what lays ahead for us in the future. All we can do is... use the information at hand to make the best decision possible. It's gonna be fine. Your whole life is gonna be fine.
    15 people liked this quote
    From the scene Claire Bear

  • John Beckwith
    True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another.
    14 people liked this quote
    From the scene Claire's Toast

  • Chazz Reinhold
    Hey, Mom! The meatloaf! We want it now! The meatloaf! What is she doing? I never know what she's doing back there.
    14 people liked this quote
    From the scene Ma, Meatloaf

  • Mrs. Kroeger
    You shut your mouth when you're talking to me.
    13 people liked this quote
    From the scene You Shut Your Mouth

  • Claire Cleary
    I never thought my sister would find someone who cared about what other people thought as much as she did until I met Craig. Uh... As you all know, my sister and Craig are both lawyers... at big law firms in New York. But that's not the only thing they have in common. Um They both like the color green like Craig's eyes and money. Um, heh... You know, someone once told me that... true love is... the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another. And I think that that's a very rare thing in this world. And I think it's something to be valued. And I'm just really happy that my big sister's found it. Congratulations, Chris.
    10 people liked this quote
    From the scene Claire's Toast

  • Random Girl
    I gotta go.
    10 people liked this quote
    From the scene Ma, Meatloaf

  • Mr. Kroeger
    I don't have custody of the kids I don't get custody.
    7 people liked this quote
    From the scene You Shut Your Mouth

  • Mr. Kroeger
    Hey, I got an idea. Why don't you just kiss my left nut?
    5 people liked this quote
    From the scene You Shut Your Mouth

  • Mr. Kroeger
    That's it, go comatose for me, baby.
    5 people liked this quote
    From the scene You Shut Your Mouth

  • Grandma Mary Cleary
    Huge dyke. A real rug muncher. Looked like a big lesbian mule.
    5 people liked this quote
    From the scene Holy Shirts and Pants

  • Jeremy Grey
    No. I'd like to recharge my batteries, and shut down the engines... and get myself back to neutral. When the meal's over with, I will talk to you. I don't want to get into what happened last night cause' it'll only make me mad. Let's get through today, let's keep our eye on the prize, let's focus... and let's close some ass.
    5 people liked this quote
    From the scene Midnight Rape or the Gay Art Show

  • Secretary Cleary
    When you know what you want, you know what you want. So... which of these do you like?
    5 people liked this quote
    From the scene Claire Bear

  • Chazz Reinhold
    Goddamn it, why didn't you say so? Come here, brother. Give me a hug. Bring it in for the real thing. Have a seat. Yeah. Goddamn you. I almost numchucked you, you don't even realize.
    5 people liked this quote
    From the scene Ma, Meatloaf

  • John Beckwith
    I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That's neither here nor there. And I see this widow and she's a wreck. She's just lost the person she loves the most in this world. And I realized we're all gonna lose the people we love. That's the way it is. But not me, not right now. Because the person I love the most is standing right here... and I'm not ready to lose you yet. Claire, I'm not standing here asking you to marry me. I'm just asking you... not to marry him. And maybe take a walk. Take a chance.
    5 people liked this quote
    From the scene Preview of Marriage to Ike Turner

  • Claire Cleary
    What's true love?
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene Claire's Toast

  • Jeremy Grey
    I gotta get out of here, pronto. I got a Stage 5 clinger.
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene That Was My First Asian

  • Jeremy Grey
    Did you hear what I just said to you? Stage 5? Virgin? Clinger? Let's go, I'm gonna start the car. I'm serious, let's go. I don't think you appreciate the urgency. Not only is she a virgin, she's totally off the reservation. I'm terrified of this broad.
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene That Was My First Asian

  • Jeremy Grey
    That was my first Asian!
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene That Was My First Asian

  • Jeremy Grey
    She's like a kid at Toys "R" Us. I can't be around it.
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene That Was My First Asian

  • Gloria Cleary
    Good. Because I'd find you. Hahaha!
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene I'd Find You

  • Jeremy Grey
    I'm not in a place to discuss what happened. Okay? I felt like Jodie Foster in The Accused last night. I'm gonna go home, see Dr. Finkelstein... and I'm gonna tell him we got a whole new bag of issues. We can forget about Mom for a while. I'm gonna go.
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene Midnight Rape or the Gay Art Show

  • Jeremy Grey
    Not nearly as much as I do with the attire that you have on or just your general point of view towards everybody. But let's go kill some birds. I'm psyched.
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene Let's Go Kill Some Birds

  • Chazz Reinhold
    What? What an idiot! Oh, what a loser! Good. Good. More for me and you.
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene Ma, Meatloaf

  • Chazz Reinhold
    Yeah. Dude died in a hang-gliding accident. What an idiot! Ahh! "I'm hang-gliding! Honey, take a good picture... I'm dead!" What a freak.
    4 people liked this quote
    From the scene Ma, Meatloaf

  • Jeremy Grey
    Janice, I apologize to you if I don't seem real eager to jump into a forced, awkward intimate situation that people like to call dating. I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there wondering, "Do I have food on my face? Am I eating? Am I talking too much? Are they talking enough? Should I play like I'm interested? I'm not that interested. She might be interested. Do I want to be interested? Now she's not interested. So now, all of sudden, I'm starting to get interested. " When am I supposed to kiss her? Do I wait for the door? Then it's awkward. It's like, "Good night. " Do you do the ass-out hug? Where you, like, hug each other like this and the ass sticks out because you're trying not to get too close. Do you kiss them on the lips? Or don't kiss them at all? It's very difficult to read the situation. All the while you're wondering, "Are we gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions?" And perhaps play a little game called Just the Tip. Just for a second, just to see how it feels. Or Ouch, Ouch, You're on My Hair.
    3 people liked this quote
    From the scene Just the Tip

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